Sunday, May 9, 2010

All the Young Men

An email from one of my male colleagues made me smile the other day. He's a senior associate I work with a lot, and rely on even more. I had sent him some last minute revisions to a motion we were filing, and he emailed back: "Ok 2 call u later? @ the dr w/ R for his 2 year old check up."

Now, it wasn't the "u," or the poor grammar that made me smile (I'm just old enuf 2 think u should always use ur best English 4 ur boss). It was something much more enlightened that I am finding to be almost as common among his peers as text-speak: specifically, male forthrightness about family commitments.

Twenty years ago, when I was a young lawyer (how awful that sounds!), men didn't take their 2-year olds to well-baby visits, and women pretended they were going somewhere else: "Unfortunately, I'm out of the office at that time on another engagement." That state of affairs wasn't good for any of us. The men I know are all good fathers, and they would have liked to be at that appointment (and at the school plays and birthday parties and recitals), and the mothers didn't like going to those appointments alone. Even worse was the sense we shared that we had to hide what we were doing, like it was somehow shameful to be a parent.

Twenty years ago, we knew how to write a proper note to our boss.

Twenty years ago, we understood that the workplace is a formal setting.

But if excessive informality is the price we have to pay to let fathers be fathers and mothers be honest, I'll take it.

Reply to colleague?

"Ok. It can w8. Talk 2 u l8r."


  1. This post is so sweet. Definitely made me smile!

  2. Changing times. I'm really in the dark. I had to figure out your "code". I've only seen a limited amount of computer talk. It's sort of fun to try to figure it out but I surely hope good grammer is not a lost art.

    It is wonderful that men can be more open. My son was an awesome babysitter. Did boys babysit way back when?

    He just got married last week. I think he'll be a wonderful father!

    Parenting is bitter sweet but something I wouldn't miss for the world. Here's to men getting to enjoy the good and the bad of parenting!
